• Her artful gestures, electrifying footwork, her slender physique & above all, her personal gaiety and grace enlivened the spirits of one & all present.

    Bangkok Post, Bangkok

  • Dance History was made in Bangkok at the Thai Cultural Centre, where an appreciative crowd rose to their feet and applauded a feisty and fambloyant performance by a brave young dancer from India... Her stunning speedy footwear caused many to shake their heads in disbelief at the technical brilliance, effortless grace, coupled with a refeshing sense of humour...

    The Nation, Bangkok

  • Pragati Sood had her audience in a flurry of excitement, as she sizzled on stage to the vibrant rhythms of a live orchestra, making sure that the audience took note of every spin of hers, including the climatic ones with 16 counts. The jugalbandi between her ghungroos and tabla player sent them into a tissy.

    Asian Age' Delhi

  • Pragati made her stage appearance electrifying from the very start. All aspects of her recital were neat and exquisite. Even the rhythmic part, which dominated her repertoire and is a demonstration of a dancer's technical prowess, had a stamp of grace & delicacy.

    National Herald, Delhi

  • Her performance was marked by subtle gestures and brisk and sophisticated footwork. Pragati is a dancer pre-eminently of this time, hardworking & gifted. Her slim physique, strong rhythm foundation & her lively & expressive face made her performance both effective & impressive.

    Mid day, Delhi

  • Her teentala exposition was a delight-the clarity of foodwork in the ladis & tatkar, the neatness of chakkars and the delicacy of Gat Nikas, proof of the dancer's fine training. Tastefully costumed & gifted with a fine stage presence, the dancer held audience attention right through.

    Hindu, Delhi

  • Pragati's lissom figure came as a refreshing change, her smiling countenance, innocuous execution of rhythmic permutatiaons on the feet & admirable gait stood her in good stead in all items she rendered. She got a resounding applause for every round form of footwork that she successfully attempted. Indeed she endeared herself to the audience every minute.

    Statesman, Delhi

  • Grace, naturalness, refinement, expressiveness of gesture & face features are Pragati's accessories for retelling in dance steps, delicate love stories.

    Acasa" Magazine (Romanian Magazine), July, 2000 Issueā€¯